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"It's not in your head", and other things you need to know about male mental health

Updated: Mar 11, 2019

Male mental health has been taking over the international agenda. We know the shocking numbers and facts. Here are real accounts from men who are mentally ill

By Maryam Nassif

"Path not found" refers to mental health issues. Credit: Maryam Nassif, 2019

In recent years, male mental health has been quite the talking point in diverse social media platforms, as well as a recurrent topic in international media and academic studies. Journalists, experts and campaign groups have repeatedly warned members of the public and governments about the dangerous repercussions of what low awareness would do to untreated victims. We know about the ones we lost, but what about those we didn't? Dedicated to the ones still fighting and to those trapped in the struggle, here's a collection of what you should know about being a man with a mental illness...

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