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Meet The Team

Growing up with an older brother who would often put me down for “unfeminine behaviour”, I often felt confused about what it means to be a woman. Turns out it can mean whatever you want it to mean. I’m an Indigo Child, learning to be my true self and ignore labels, give love and promote equality.


Josefine Cook

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Initially, I didn’t think I was an Indigo Child. The main reason being that for most of my teenage years I was trying hard to make myself look more grown up and mature. The word “child” seemed almost offensive. Looking back, I see how childish that was. Now, I happily embrace the kid in me every single day. 


Marta Michnik

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 I’m what they call a third-culture kid. I’m an Indigo Child because I still don’t know where I belong, but I can’t wait to find out. Living in London with a Saudi background has taught me that people will constantly try to change you, but life is all about celebrating your own differences.

Head Designer

Maryam Nassif

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Having grown up as a bit of an introvert, I have often felt out of place. Looking at everything from the sideline, made me observe my surroundings and notice the ways in which society can often fail. This brought me to where I am today: an Indigo Child that seeks to change the unjust.

Online Editor & Web Designer

Eelinn Vanquaethem

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