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Word from the editor

Welcome to Indigo Child, a magazine born out of the desire and need for gender equality, with no stereotypes, assumptions or stigmas attached. 

An Indigo Child is someone who thinks a magazine doesn’t have to be for women or men only. Someone who loves life but hates sexism. Someone who believes that harmony and success can be achieved when men and women come together; when we join our unique forces, talents and feelings, and rise against hate and prejudice, united. Indigo Children are fluid, non-judgmental, open minded. They are not defined by race, religion or sexuality, but by a feeling of love and empathy, and a desire to fit in, to be understood and accepted. 


This magazine covers cultural, social and gender issues without assuming the gender of its readers. We believe quality journalism can be enjoyed by anyone, male or female, black or white. Whatever pronoun you use, however you choose to identify, the contents of this magazine should resonate with you in one way or another.   

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