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Bald girls, bold choices: why some women shave their heads

Updated: Mar 11, 2019

Ever since women have taken a powerful stance against the patriarchy, a wave of new possibilities flooded in. Women have become more assertive and confident in who they are, and their choices are as bold as ever. Bearing this in mind, here are four things you should know about shaving your head as a woman, as told by Louise Luyckx

By Maryam Nassif

Shaving your head as a girl has become a movement. Credit: Maryam Nassif, 2019

It feels good because it was a choice you made 

Whether an impulsive decision or a life-long dream, shaving your hair might feel liberating because you decided it for yourself. "The fact is just that I purely did it for me, because I strongly believe that you should live for you and stay true to yourself. I did it because I wanted to."

People will try to tear you down

Naturally, ignorance roams around and people will attempt to lure you to their dark side. "It's just funny there's still people like that when the world and our society are evolving so much."

You'll rediscover yourself

Regardless of the support or negativity, this experience is a gift to you. Reinventing yourself comes in many cathartic experiences, and shaving your hair might just be one of them. 

It's just hair

It's great if your hair is one of the things that gives you power and confidence, but to some extent, it isn't everything. "Music or fashion empowers me more than hair and I say to each her own."


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