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Autism at work: support for people on the spectrum

Updated: Mar 11, 2019

As World Autism Awareness Week is from the 1st until the 7th of April, it's time to talk about support for people with autism at work

By Eelinn Vanquaethem

Employers still need to improve the support they provide for people with autism. Credit: Adobe Stock/Fresh Idea

Robin Blamires was diagnosed with autism when he was 11 years old. On top of that, he's bipolar.

When he started his first job at the age of 18, he soon came to realise that employers and colleagues are unaware of how to handle his disability and disorder.

"I stuck it out for three years, but only because I was in two days a week," he says, "it was horrible."

He currently enjoys being a volunteer at a community radio, but "it is hard to be consistent" and he does not know how long he'll be able to carry on.

Slowly, however, change may be coming for those on the spectrum. More and more organisations are advocating for neurodiversity friendly opportunities and employment. To name a few: Neurodiversity Works, auticon and Harry Specters.

The Hoxby Collective, a virtual agency, has also started a number of campaigns to help minority groups, including people on the spectrum.

One of its members, Firgas Esack, who is not autistic, says that the way the organisation works could be beneficial for people on the spectrum.

Everyone at the agency works remotely, Firgas explains: "Because the culture of having to be at a desk between certain hours is not only counterproductive but also demotivating and time-consuming."

Furthermore, as the members communicate over digital hubs, there is "a world completely without bias".

The latter is perhaps the most important.

Even Robin, who wants people to be understanding, does not want to make a big deal about his special needs and perhaps that's why all businesses should think about implementing some changes.

Read about how diagnostic tools may not detect autistic women and girls in our March issue


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